
Writing and Reading

Reading Support Services

Turning The Page

Reading is the foundation for all college-level work. Most college courses require a substantial amount of reading, and the material is often more challenging and more discipline-specific, making comprehension and reading rate important issues for college students.

Assistance with analytic reading begins during the placement period. If test scores and other indicators suggest that a student needs reading support, our reading specialist will make an appropriate recommendation. Some students will be recommended for our two-semester English 130/131 College Reading and Writing sequence designed for students who would benefit from additional support in reading and/or writing. Other students will be recommended for a standard English 132 freshman composition course with an additional lab. This one-credit lab provides one-to-one assistance with analytical reading in context: students will work on material they are reading in their English classes.

In addition to the English 130/131 option and the one-credit labs, the Office of Reading Support Services provides individualized assistance with reading issues, including diagnostic assessment, individualized plans, computerized reading applications, and private consultations with students and faculty. Please contact Linda Oleksak at 413-782-1691 for more information or to make an appointment for a consultation.

Contact Information

Linda Oleksak

Director of Reading Support Services

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